Monday, May 23, 2005

Ungracious losers

Right off the bat, let me say how pleased I am with the compromise in the U.S. Senate between both parties - brokered by key moderates like John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman. It shows that bipartisanship still has a pulse, however weak it may be.

That out of the way ... let's note that CNN, MSNBC and the other 24-hour news networks are, naturally, leading with this breaking news. Want to know who hasn't even mentioned this?

Surprise, surprise ... it's Fox News.

They're not showing it because, quite simply, their side lost. I can't think of any plausible reason why they wouldn't cover this breaking news event when all other media outlets are. In my opinion, it shows how craven and how petty that organization is, and how it truly is merely an extension of the far right.


Blogger Matt said...

Now, what does it actually mean to be far right?

11:58 PM  
Blogger Jmac said...

Not necessarily conservative mind you - for instance, despite Xon's very conservative beliefs, I wouldn't catagorize him as 'far right.'

The term has become associated with the group of Republicans led by individuals like Tom DeLay, Rick Santorum and pivotal members of this administration. It's grown interchangable (in some cases, not all) with the collection of neoconservatives who swept into power in the mid-1990s.

So they aren't necessarily conservative, but rather a part of the new 'big-government conservative' movement which also includes attempts to legislate social matters and act hypocritically in most areas of the political realm.

Being a progressive, I do like some aspects of big government - something quite evident from earlier discussions about Social Security and the like - but I don't like the plans put forth by this new breed of Republican.

7:21 AM  
Blogger Holla said...

I would admonish you, JMac, to be the first to start using different language. People who, like you, favor big government solutions to things, but who simply propose different solutions than you do (and who are "hypocritical" in the way they propose them, though as I argued last month on my blog you should be careful about "hypocrisy" arguments, lest you be hoisted on your own pitard), hardly sound "far" anything. Far "a lot like me, in theory" doesn't have the same ring to it. :-)

But kudos for recognizing that the word "right" as it is usually used really has little to do with being "conservative."

12:05 PM  
Blogger Jmac said...

And I would admonish you Xon to grow a really thick beard ... :)

8:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huh? I LEARNED about this ridiculous deal brokering on Fox news.
You ahve no idea what you're talking about.

12:36 PM  
Blogger Jmac said...

Then your Fox News must be from a different world ... as Fox News typically is anyway. I never saw any mention of the deal - or I can at least concede considerable coverage of the deal - on Fox, while CNN and MSNBC, rightfully so, offered substantial coverage.

And did we learn about the deal at like 9:45 p.m.? 'Cause that's not exactly breaking news then.

10:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I learned about if from NPR, as I haven't had much time for television lately.

Perhaps, Fox News was a little slow because they needed to figure out what spin to put on the news for their core audience. In any event, the compromise represents a victory for the establishment.

10:25 AM  

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