Tuesday, September 18, 2007

This is what we got?

As we know, there are two main candidates seeking the Democratic nomination to challenge Sen. Saxby Chambliss in 2008 in Vernon Jones and Dale Cardwell. Safe to say, these two fellas leave a whole lot to be desired, but have no fear ... there's a third candidate in Rand Knight.

Of course, he's lagging behind in money, polls and, well, people actually knowing who he is. To address these problems, Knight's going on offense ... against The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Now, understandably, this is a completely ludicrous way to go about getting attention, particularly when, though unfortunate, those errors appear to be just that ... accidental typos. To accuse the state's largest newspaper of harboring a grudge against someone they've never heard of and is languishing in the race is insane.

Add to that this unintentionally comical campaign video, and I'm convinced that Rand Knight is actually a character played by Ben Affleck with a bad Southern accent.

UPDATE: Publius beat me to the punch ... and, yes, Nic Cage from Con-Air is a better choice.


Blogger Mike-El said...

I think he looks a heck of a lot more like Ben Affleck than he sounds like Nic Cage. Even though he's trying way too hard to "work it," the accent doesn't sound totally affected, IMO.

He's a dead ringer for Affleck, thought.

12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't get it. What's wrong with the guy? And is attacking the AJC really that dumb of a move? Isn't there a picture of a guy using the Atlanta paper as a fish wrapper hanging under the gold dome?

I don't think it's the smartest move to advertise yourself as "Dr. Knight" in a state where nearly 40% of the people drop out of high school.... but the dumbest thing Rand is doing is running as a Democrat. Just look at how he's received here....

I'm a conservative, and awfully disappointed in my Republican party these days, but I simply can't support a party that bags on a quality person like Rand for entirely superficial reasons. So Rand is not electable. News flash: Sam Nunn (D-DINO) is not electable in today's Georgia either.

9:31 PM  
Blogger Jmac said...

I'm a conservative, and awfully disappointed in my Republican party these days, but I simply can't support a party that bags on a quality person like Rand for entirely superficial reasons.

While I don't believe that is the reason you won't be a Democrat, I will also say criticizing someone because they concocted a completely false scenario isn't a 'superficial reason' but a very valid one actually.

8:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rand Knight "concocted a completely false scenario"? I missed that. Do tell.

I thought you were criticizing him for 1) attacking the AJC, and 2) because you didn't like the youtube ad. Your criticism of the ad seems mean spirited and not at all in keeping with your usual fair mindedness.

12:27 AM  

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