Saturday, March 15, 2008

It's what you say and do

Arugably, I think Erick is being pretty stupid on this issue, and that isn't to say that I don't think there are some legitimate concerns about a citizens ethics commission being abused. However, either he's playing dumb or he's just incredibly dense if he thinks folks are bothered by his admission that folks abuse the systems.

Um, no.

I think the fact that he wants to put forward exclusionary legislation that would forbid certain citizens from participation is probably why folks like Flack found it objectionable (plus calling stay-at-home parents 'busybodies' means that Erick's got absolutely no idea what stay-at-home parents do).

Listen, it's one thing to toss out outrageous statements if you're a pundit, as Erick's been for a good long while. However, it's another to be an elected official and do that ... though if your local political reporters likes to look the other way, preferring instead to espouse on raising $700 million from Georgia citizens, I suppose accountability is more fluid than anything else.


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