Thursday, March 06, 2008


Well, I was going to write about the death of the Glenn Tax today, but Flack nailed it. Eliminating the car tag tax might be a nice venture to pursue in the future, but this version wasn't appropriate because it was a last, desperate grasp at power by a failing speaker whose original plan was so unpopular it was ridiculed by conservatives and liberals alike. Furthermore, it offered no way to offset the loss of $672 million in spending for education and would have, yet again, stripped away another layer of local control.

What I would like to point out is that Flack is right - this is a victory for Democrats. The House Caucus came together, stood tough and voted as a bloc for the first time since Republicans took control of the Georgia General Assembly, and they deserve a pat on the back. But also spread some much needed love to the State Democratic Party of Georgia, who worked feverishly behind the scenes to coordinate, organize and partner with their allies in the House.

Contrary to some false and unwarrented accusations by some, the DPG came to play on this issue and the results speak for themselves.


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