Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Lessons in debate

Um, yeah ... here's an effective way to persuade someone to endorse your views. Rather than express your concerns one-on-one in a civil and respectful way, why not just write a letter to the editor calling them an idiot for the whole community to see?

The fact that the process appears to be more political does nothing to bolster arguments either for or against NBAF. The criteria for selecting the location as well as the targeted community's existing infrastructure was done fair and square, and Athens-Clarke County scored rather high in all those departments. It appears now that another site will land the facility based on political preferences, but that does nothing to indicate that the project isn't safe or that Athens-Clarke County isn't a viable location for it.

It's a strawman, the latest one that being clutched by the opponents of NBAF.


Blogger hillary said...

The fact that the process appears to be more political does nothing to bolster arguments either for or against NBAF.

Really? I think it certainly bolsters those against it. If it's not true that they're selecting a site based on objective, scientific criteria, in the end, then it throws some doubt on the fact that they're saying everything is perfectly safe and aboveboard based on objective, scientific criteria.

Also, good luck with the move today!

7:10 AM  

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