Wednesday, September 14, 2005

It's gettin' real

Whew boy! Now this is what I call a mayoral race! Folks dropping out left and right ... obscure carpenters running to be, in his own words, nothing more than a 'figurehead.'

So States McCarter announced yesterday, after seeking the county's top post for only a month or so, that he would not run for mayor. Guess that ad money he spent was even that much more wasted, but no matter. McCarter probably got out and began talking to people and realized he wasn't as popular as he thought he was. He is still planning on resigning his commission post this year, and even found a guy to replace him in David Hamilton.

Barring Heidi Davison seeking re-election, this makes Tom Chasteen a serious contender now. And one has to wonder about Keith Johnson, who is running on issues I care about ... but is so far from who I would trust to lead my community, it ain't funny.

Add to all this, you've got 25-year-old Andy Rusk deciding he wants to be mayor. Rusk, in how not to make a initial impression to the community, said the mayoral post is just a figurehead and said he wants to make it a 'bully pulpit.' Sure, we know what he means, but that doesn't mean you go around saying it.

Aside from that, he appears to be the guy actually running on the anti-commission agenda ... and that should be interesting. He's also an 'independent Democrat' ... which means he's a Republican living in Clarke County.

The rumor mill also tells me that Carl Jordan is considering stepping down from his commission seat in 2006, setting up another special election. Now, I have said - mostly joking - that I'd run for mayor. But I am serious about this, if Jordan steps down, I do plan to run for his seat.


Blogger hillary said...

I thought "independent Democrat" meant non-radical libertarian.

1:29 PM  
Blogger Pack Time said...

wait, you can't run for anything till I get back from Mississippi. I'm your campaign manager, remember?

11:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

States McCarter belongs in the loony bin.

6:04 PM  
Blogger Jmac said...

Sweet! Is this really the Andy Rusk?

If so ... thanks for stopping by. And if so ... not surprised they put words in your mouth. There have been complaints along those lines before.

7:27 AM  
Blogger Jmac said...

My apologies good sir. Just a good dose of snark at my site. Come back now whenever you can.

2:20 PM  

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