Straight outta 1942
Well, if we don't get any substantial rain in the next two months, we're looking at water rationing according to Athens-Clarke County Manager Alan Reddish.
The Bear Creek Reservoir will be dry by Christmas with rationing measures kicking in around Thanksgiving. So, this is it people. We're hitting that critical point that we didn't think we'd hit back in July.
Conserve water any which way you can ... turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth, wash larger loads of clothes less frequently, pack in as many dishes you can into your dishwasher, etc.
We've got a 60 percent chance of rain today, and two or three chances for isolated showers over the next 10 days. Let's hope, and pray, that we get rain on all of those days and return to a somewhat normal rainfull pattern to get out of this thing.
The Bear Creek Reservoir will be dry by Christmas with rationing measures kicking in around Thanksgiving. So, this is it people. We're hitting that critical point that we didn't think we'd hit back in July.
Conserve water any which way you can ... turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth, wash larger loads of clothes less frequently, pack in as many dishes you can into your dishwasher, etc.
We've got a 60 percent chance of rain today, and two or three chances for isolated showers over the next 10 days. Let's hope, and pray, that we get rain on all of those days and return to a somewhat normal rainfull pattern to get out of this thing.
It's official.
October is "Shower With Your Sweetie" month....
Straight out of 1942? Or straight out of 1971? B/c WWII-style rationing, and Nixon-style rationing are not the same thing. I'm being silly, but I do seriously wonder what rationing model is going to be used...
Either way, it will not have the intended effect. But oh well.
I think the only thing that will have any real impact is when folks start pressing the handle on the "throne" and nothing happens.
Then, wait for the chorus of "why didn't you tell us that we were running out of water?!"
Perhaps this has been answered elsewhere, but what is going on with Coke and Pepsi and their massive operations bottling and selling municipal Atlanta water (aka Lake Allatoona/Lanier) as "Dasani" and "Aquafina"?
Has this been addressed, hindered or otherwise discouraged? What's the rumpus?
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