Monday, November 05, 2007

Couple of things

- Well, where will my mother and The Wife go now when the latter is visiting on the weekend?

- I do think that, in time, we'll see fewer arrests because the fear of arrest has the ability to curb underage drinking, but I also think that UGA student Sarah Caruana is dead-on. The issue is proper education regarding alcohol consumption, and, truth be told, a lot of that begins at home. I wasn't going on 24-hour binges when I was 17-years-old because I grew up in a household where both my parents drank in a responsible way, passing there attitudes and practices down to me. I do think UGA is to be applauded for its alcohol education courses, but you have to wonder, particularly in the short-term, do 18-year-olds who have finally tasted freedom really want to be lectured on drinking? This is a tough complex problem, and there isn't really an easy answer to it.

- In the most overhyped regular season game in history, New England beat Indianapolis. Yes, it was a good game, and, yes, I wanted the Patriots to win. But still, if New England loses three of its next seven games compared to the Colts losing just one, Indianapolis has homefield advantage for the postseason and this whole thing is for naught, right?

- Speaking of pro sports ... I watched two NBA games this weekend. Incredible, I know. But I watched the debut of the new Celtics on Friday, and those guys are pretty darn good. And then I caught up with the Hawks last night, who dropped a heartbreaker to the Pistons.


Blogger Mike-El said...

With the Falcons' season being over before it even started, the Thrashers off to a slow start, and no excitement about men's b-ball at UGA or Tech, the Hawks have themselves a rare window of opportunity to get some attention. This is an exciting young team that may only be a trade for some veteran help at the point from contending for a playoff spot.

8:15 AM  
Blogger ACCBiker said...

I have never been to The Pottery - but having been married twice and both wives seem to make time to go there with my mom when she is in town, I picture nothing but gaggles of women of mixed ages flocking around the store.

9:51 AM  

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