Sunday, January 13, 2008

It's getting stupidier

Good Lord. Robert Johnson is a moron.

First off, if you're taking a personal shot at Barack Obama's admission of drug use in high school and college, then that's amazingly absurd. If anything, Obama's frank admission of drug use - and how it was a morally stupid thing to do and how he realized it was a destructive lifestyle that only dehumanizes individuals - is refreshing, particularly in light of some folks who like to parse words and say that they 'didn't inhale.'

Second, how is it an insult to note that Obama spent more than a decade working for little to no pay as a community organizer and civil rights attorney? If anything, doesn't this bolster the argument for Obama and nullify the one that Johnson is supposedly making about Hillary Clinton? I mean, in the case of Obama, you have someone who was on the front lines actually fighting for people, while Clinton's claim of experience largely comes from the fact that, well, she was married to Bill.


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