Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ah, the clarity

Meanwhile, in the real world, John McCain fundamentally misunderstands the situation in the Middle East, but no matter ... I'm sure Barack Obama has a third cousin who attended a church where a guest lecturer joked that 'white people can't dance.'


Blogger Holla said...

Dude, I'm sorry but not all scandals are equally ridiculous. If Obama is going to be not only the first black president, but the first black liberationist theologian president, then folks have a right to know that. And the connection between him and Rev. Wright is more than a third cousin, and the content of Wright's theology is more than "white people can't dance."

You can't be the racial reconciliation candidate without having to deal with this guy who preached to you for 20 years. Now, I think Obama's speech was pretty good, and I also think some of Wright's comments are being overblown. But I'm just saying, it is not absurd for this to be an issue.

As for McCain misunderstanding the middle east, yea what else is new?

7:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Candidate says "Iran" when he means "Iraq." There's something new. I doubt that's ever happened before. McCain is probably the first politician in the history of earth to mis-speak.


Dude, I get it. You think your guy just delivered the Sermon on the Mount. That's cool. I don't want to be the one to curb your enthusiasm.

But don't be so hard on the rest of us stupid folk who think he's just another politician--albeit a very talented one--who is trying to do damage control.


6:18 AM  
Blogger Polusplanchnos said...

The article suggests McCain replaced 'extremist' with 'al-Qaeda', Reggie. Perhaps you refer to something other than what Johnathan linked to?

Xon, in what way is Obama a black liberation theologian? Am I misreading you? Or are you just saying that he is undoubtedly influenced by black liberation theology?

Also, is it "black-liberation theologian" or "black, liberation-theologian"?

5:37 PM  

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