Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Couple of things

- Wow. There really isn't a heckuva lot out there worth talking about today. I mean, you've got Barrow County approving Sunday by-the-drink alcohol sales as well as another judge throwing out Voter ID bill, complete with absolutely ridiculous rhetoric on both sides, yet nothing really strikes my fancy. I'll try though ...

- The second podcast for The Cover Two is up, and this one includes a discussion of the video game The Oregon Trail.

- There was a military coup in Thailand last night, which is something we haven't seen in a few years.

- Russ randomly talks about life in Chicago.

- I don't know if the University is ignoring any possible racial motivations in the Chi Phi porn peddling ... I mean, the editorial even concedes the punishment was 'swift and strict.' Just because they didn't come out and say it, doesn't mean it didn't factor into the decision-making process.

- The Sports Guy's Week One wrap-up of the NFL is high quality, and he offers the best suggestion for the NFL in years:

We had a second scenario when a coach didn't throw a challenge flag in time -- this time, with Bill Parcells, who accidentally forgot that he was keeping the flag in his cleavage after a disputed red zone play in the Jags game. By the time he chucked the flag, the ball was already being snapped for the next play. Since this keeps happening, my friend Ace came up with a way to solve the problem: Give every head coach one of those T-shirt cannons (like the ones cheerleaders use at basketball games), and when they want to challenge a play, they have to hoist the cannon and shoot the flag onto the field (preferably right at one of the officials). Not only would this be fun to watch, it would be more riveting to watch someone like Parcells trying to operate the cannon. I love this idea. Somebody plug Roger Goddell in, wake him up and pitch it to him.

- You've got to tip your hat to the Watkinsville. While the rest of Oconee County is slowly becoming sprawl city, this little town is actually putting policy in place which encourages responsible and smart economic growth and development.

- OK ... I guess there were things to talk about.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shoutout to Watkinsville.


11:55 AM  

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