Friday, September 22, 2006

Couple of things

- I suppose Jill Seymour wants us to stop celebrating St. Patrick's Day since we're cleansing ourselves of our immigration past ...

- This is a cool idea, though one hopes they get actual construction-type people to build the thing.

- The article on spending on poverty also leaves out a key component, which is administrative costs. Lots of money gets ultimately wasted on things which could be consolidated, so I'm glad to see that Judge Steve Jones and the PPA is preparing a report designed to point us in the direction of how to use our public money more efficiently.

- By the way ... dude, give 'em a dollar or two. We label panhandling like it's this horrible, evil thing but when I have loose cash on me, I always try to give some to somebody who asks for it on the street. A dollar for him or her may help them, but it doesn't hurt me at all.


Blogger Adrian Pritchett said...

Unfortunately, there are those who try to negotiate that dollar out of us and don't take "no" for an answer.

11:36 AM  
Blogger hillary said...

Ditto for telemarketers. Are we legislating them out of existence? Also, people who try to get you to come to their church or vote for their guy.

12:16 PM  

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