Saturday, December 02, 2006

Movie watchin'

When you're home with a cold, you tend to catch up on movies you've missed. So, thanks to the wonders of digital cable, I was able to see the following films ...

Derailed - Kinda annoying. First off, I found Jennifer Aniston's character to be wholly irrational, though we figure out why in the end. Second, do we really believe that Vincent Cassel could take Clive Owen? Still, it had Aniston, and that alone made it watchable.

A History of Violence - Pretty good, though I was disappointed to find out that he actually was some sort of hitman. It would have been cooler if he had just been confused for someone else and had to learn how to defend his family.

Just Friends - I don't want to find Ryan Reynolds funny - particularly after the fact that he, you know, had a starring role in Blade III: Trinity - but it's hard not to. Though Chris Klein's character kinda made the movie.

I also watched a couple of the Star Wars movies, which I've seen hundreds of time, because Cinemax has been showing 'em nonstop. I liked Attack of the Clones more yesterday than I had in the past.


Blogger Polusplanchnos said...

In honor of your geeky weekend, there's this: Link.

And aren't you over your Aniston kick, yet?

2:03 AM  
Blogger Matt said...

Derailed was better for having Clive Owen in it than Jennifer Aniston.

History of Violence had crappy action sequences.

I watched Brokeback Mountain, and man it sucked.

1:08 PM  
Blogger Jmac said...

I agree Matt. I watched Brokeback Mountain last night and found it to be insanely boring. Plus, all the characters involved were terribly unlikable. The only one I felt any sympathy for was Linda Cardellini.

11:29 AM  

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