Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Couple of things

- Honestly, can John Edwards defend himself for a change?

- Blake's being doing good work over at his blog, and I picked up on a nugget involving the possibility of the local government starting up blogs

- He's still a bit cranky and nutty, but I like this column by Bill Shipp a litte more than his recent works.

- I'm not sure about this, and not simply because evidence directly connecting Iran's government to attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan is spotty. But rather because is it effective diplomacy to label the military of a nation a terrorist group? We've already lumped them into the 'Axis of Evil' haven't we? We already have a litany of economic sanctions on their government, don't we? What exactly is this going to do except further complicate the chances for resolving our differences diplomatically?

- As an aside, Elizabeth Edwards's criticism of press coverage is absurd. Her husband was on the cover of Esquire and Men's Vogue last month and, you know, there is the actual story I'm referencing. Raise more money. Move out of third nationally. Then you'll see a press bump.

- After using race to frame the election results of the Macon City Council, Erick says it's not about race at all.

- We're about three weeks from kickoff ... just saying.


Blogger Mike-El said...

Doesn't the Edwards campaign have focus data telling them how poorly Elizabeth's catty preacher's wife routine plays? Look at the comments on this story at some of the mainstream political junkie sites and you'll see that this stuff generates nothing but backlash against both her and her husband.

7:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm told Bobby Kahn is now ghosting Bill Shipp's columns. And the person who told me was credible, well-placed, and serious. I'm just saying...

8:15 AM  

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