Saturday, October 06, 2007

EYTA needs help

Education Youth Travel of Athens is a group of Coile Middle School students working to raise money for a trip to tour Greece and Italy next summer. They just got profiled in the Athens Banner-Herald, and have already held a car wash and work-a-thon to help raise funds.

Now I know it's a hobby for some readers to come here and insult Clarke County schools, but this is something that is mighty laudable and the hard work done by these 50 students is worth supporting. For a community that is gripped by poverty, the dedication these students are showing to find ways to expand their educational horizons, as well as their committment to their academic studies, is something that deserves praise.

Why don't you check them out and support them if you can. I plan to.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the article you link:

"With the Clarke County School District's dropout rate hovering near 50 percent, the odds are that only half of the students will graduate high school and only a couple will go on to college. An opportunity for a class trip like this may not be there for each student four years from now."

Criticizing Clarke county schools is not a hobby, and I haven't seen any especially "insulting" comments made here or elsewhere. The schools are simply very bad at what they do, and some people have the temerity to demand better.

7:28 PM  

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