Monday, October 15, 2007

Water rumors

There's a rumor floating around that the University of Georgia would shut down for a few weeks until the drought improves, but it's completely unfounded and, from what I can gather, not practical for a variety of reasons.

First off, there's no way to tell when the drought would end. A couple of days of rain, though much needed, won't magically erase our water woes.

Second, shutting down the school wouldn't do much in the grand scheme of things. It would just shift the students either back to their hometowns to consume water or have them remain in Athens-Clarke County, consuming the same quantity of water only from a different location.

Plus, the University should be applauded for its efforts to curb water usage. It has cut back on water consumption by more than 20 percent and is doing any outdoor water by pulling water from Lake Herrick, which is a small, recreational lake at the Intramural Fields.


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