Thursday, October 11, 2007

What to do?

It ain't just us having water issues, as Flack picks up The Atlanta Journal-Constitution article concerning Lake Lanier ... which is namely that Lake Lanier will go dry in three months if we don't get some rain.

Seriously, what are we going to do if we don't get some consistent rain?


Blogger Unknown said...

I mean your title really is the operative question, isn't it? I have no frackin clue.

I'm trying to look at this through the stay rational prism;, but man, with no relief in sight...

What next?

6:46 PM  
Blogger Holla said...

Captain Obvious to the rescuse!

The question is, what would you choose to do if there were suddenly no water coming into your house through the pipes anymore? You could leave town. You could buy drinking water at the grocery store and forego all other uses including bathings (or bathe in a nearby lake). Or you could pay a LOT of money to get water in quantities that can be used for things other than drinking. (Assuming there is someone capable of meeting your demand for large amounts of water). That's pretty much it, isn't it?

We go 'French' and just get along as best we can, or else we leave town.

While everyone's quality of life will be noticeably diminished (hopefully only temporarily), let's remember that water for DRINKING (i.e., for staying alive) is plentiful and relatively inexpensive. I doubt anyone will die of thirst. But a lot of other stuff will suck for a while.

Eventually though either nature (or nature's God) will send rain, or someone else will figure out a way to get large amounts of water into our market.

12:18 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Um, xon.

I believe that some folks would rather that be "going Freedom", okay?

But seriously, bottled water is almost as expensive as gas today, what if it is one of the few sources of drinkable water...

8:19 AM  
Blogger David Hamilton said...

I've posed the question before - Are Coke and Pepsi still bottling Lake Lanier and selling it as Aquafina and Dasani? It is clearly labeled as "municipal Atlanta water."

If so, this is quite the quandry. I can't get Lake Lanier to flow through my taps, but I can buy it from Coke.

Someone tell me if this is old hat, and I'm just out of the loop.

9:46 AM  
Blogger Holla said...

jonf, you can buy a gallon of drinking water at Kroger for like a buck fifty. Of course, that price will go up if we are out of water in our pipes, but OF COURSE that's the case! But people will pay whatever they have to pay for drinking water, and they will simply forgo any other uses. I doubt anyone will die of thirst. But, man oh man, is life going to suck for a while. (Said the guy who moved to Kentucky in July).

Seriously, Athens is in our thoughts and prayers during this time. And I know it's not just Athens that is in trouble.

11:12 PM  

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