Friday, November 30, 2007

Couple of things

- It appears that Solvay is going to Alabama, kind of ... I mean, no one is saying anything and folks are denying everything, which is about par for the course when it comes to the Orkin Tract. Interesting to note is Gerry Whitworth, the agent responsible for the marketing the tract, blaming state officials for not going to bat for the multi-county piece of property. I'm starting to like more and more the idea from the person who suggested we just make it a massive park.

- Kudos to PWD who reached three million page views at Georgia Sports Blog (and was kind enough to thank me as a regular reader). He's good people who I fully intend to tailgate with one day ... perhaps in Pasadena?

- It's not Max Burns, but it's the next best thing.

- Safe to say, this is right on the money.

- Flack is mulling over a possible run for the Forsyth County Commission. Good luck in the decision-making process my good man, and I'll go to bat for you if you opt to dive in.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Barrow opponent article reminds me. I saw Congressman Barrow a few weeks ago back home here in Athens. In Clocked, eating by himself, appearing to enjoy the quiet pseudo-anonymity. It's not every day that you see a sitting Congressman down the street having a burger, even if it's "just" John Barrow. We just exchanged nods; I didn't figure that was the time to ask if he had any staff openings.


11:44 AM  
Blogger jmSnowden said...

"I'm starting to like more and more the idea from the person who suggested we just make it a massive park."

So the State does not do enough to bring jobs to Athens (big surprise) and rather than go after jobs ourselves we should just buy the land and make it a park.

An that's economic development in Athens folks. Hey, at least the poor might get organic food.

Go team!

4:34 PM  

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