Monday, April 14, 2008

But you ain't from here!

In news of the awesome variety, loyal reader and good friend Brian Brodrick penned a letter to the editor last week discussing NBAF, and it's one of the few print pieces that has garnered a ridiculous number of comments at the Athens Banner-Herald's web site.

Most of them, understandably, are preposterous, but, then again, so is much of the hysterical opposition from the folks involved with FAQ. Apparently the fact that Brodrick lives in Oconee County and the value of his home is enough to cancel out any opinions he has.

Of course, it shouldn't ... seeing how the long-term economic and research impact of NBAF is something which extends throughout the region (and I, for a long time, have been saying that we need to approach many of our economic development issues through a regional prism). Plus, I don't know why it matters that Brodrick lives in Oconee County. I mean, dude, the guy grew up there.


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