Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Couple of things

- Gosh, I've got to say that Sen. Roger Williams is my legislator of the day. That's a devestating counterargument to Sonny Perdue's nonsense. Not only does it ridicule the governor's arguments, but it also points out that the main piece of evidence Perdue used - the New Mexico study - was flawed and that, in actuality, alcohol-related traffic arrests went down.

- R. Thomas Trimble is grasping at straws and rewriting history in the process. While I'm racking my brain trying to remember a preacher who derailed a presidential candidate's campaign, it's also worth noting that Trimble's argument amounts to 'guilt by association should apply here solely because I don't like Barack Obama.'

- Here's my wrap-up of the OneAthens meeting.

- I don't necessarily disagree with Jessica Sterling, but if the forecast for the next week holds true we might emerge from the drought by next Saturday. I mean, I'm all for replenishing rain but now? We can't wait until April 14? We have to be swamped during Masters week?

- Not that I disagree with this in principle, but does Erick really think local governments have credit cards they regularly use at Dunkin' Donuts? And, quite frankly, I don't really care if, say, the Tax Assessor's office has to go Office Depot to buy paper and pens.


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