Thursday, October 27, 2005

Our Sox are cooler

At least America cared when my team won the World Series.

And, as Hillary noted ... let's take it easy fellas.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Booo! Bad form Johnathan. The REAL Sox (the ones from Chicago) need some love and, in my opinion, more of it than those cry babies in Bean Town ever did. Just because some hack sports journalist tabs the franchise as "cursed" doesn't mean I have to cry my eyes out every time their first baseman makes an error. The White Sox sat back and reveled in misery for 87 years and did we hear a peep out them? No. But the Red Sox enjoyed Ted Williams, Yaz, trips to the World Series, and yet all we hear from them is that it's not their fault because Dan Shaugnessy told us it's all because of some beyond the grave hex placed on them by an overweight Baltimorean with a hankering for booze and women. So congrats White Sox, I loved the way they played and I am happy for those South Siders.

A bitter Balitmore Orioles fan that had to grow up with one too many Red Sox fans who only wore the hats because they were sick of the Orioles losing.

(just kidding Johnathan - love the blog and I hope my dislike for the Red Sox will not hinder our future tailgating/political/Iron Chefing ventures)

12:06 AM  
Blogger hillary said...

Yeah. It's not exactly what I said. You put a Red Sox spin on it.

8:18 AM  
Blogger Jmac said...

For the record ... Dan Shaugnessy is a hack.

And the Red Sox are still cooler.

11:00 AM  

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