It's Halloween ... at work
Lest we not enjoy the spirit of Halloween at the workplace. Hillary and I did have this entertaining exchange involving the $4 strobe light I had purchased.
Me: What do you think will happen if you stare at it long enough?
Hillary: It will burn your brain.
Me: You think?
Hillary: (stares at strobe light ... looks back) Yeah, that's about right.
If you're wondering, I decided to dress up as Paul ... though he doesn't seem terribly enthused.
Hillary and Intern Lauren pose ... the former is a Hershey's bar if you're curious.
Intern Leslie, on the left, decided to come as Intern Leslie. Though Intern Katie opted for the U.S. Army approach.
I'll be honest, I have no idea what Lanora is ... but it made us all laugh.
Brenda handles our phone calls.
Me: What do you think will happen if you stare at it long enough?
Hillary: It will burn your brain.
Me: You think?
Hillary: (stares at strobe light ... looks back) Yeah, that's about right.

Strobe lights have gotten cheap.
I'm so disappointed. I went for the subtle all black approach, with a black tie. People in my classes asked why I was dressed up -- they forgot it was Halloween.
A couple of people were scary. They dressed up as law professors -- oh wait, they WERE law professors.
i want interns
Jmac, if your intern dressed up as a US Army person, you should have dressed up as John Kerry, so you could insult her all you want!
By the way, I thought you worked in a museum. That looks like an office. :-)
We were discussing what we should dress up as at lunch a few days ago and here's what we came up with:
I came in a pink shirt with a v-neck, argyle sweater (pink and grey argyle parts) because there is nothing scarier to a macho vet than a guy who talks about feelings in pink.
Unless you count what the other male intern came up with (but didn't actually wear) -- he said we should all dress as Vietcong soldiers. No one did for fear of bodily harm from some of the vets with PTSD. But that's a dang funny idea.
Also, I think Mr. Rosecrans is on to something...
The man in the black pajamas. A worthy adversary.
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