Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Couple of things

- Woo-hoo! Here's some economic development for ya! A Terrapin brewery. I'm not a huge Terrapin fan, but this is pretty cool ... particularly the tours aspect as I'm a sucker for behind-the-scene tours of almost anything.

- And this story is full of reasons why I backed Jane Kidd for Democratic Party of Georgia chair. The fact that, if Democrats wish to become a strong player in this state again, it's going to come from recruiting a new base of possible candidates from communities all over. Plus, she downplayed the 2008 Senate race, which was music to my ears. Too many Democrats set their sights on the marquee races and overlook the necessary steps that have to be taken at the local levels to identify viable candidates and build up a strong infrastructure.

- I don't necessarily think President Bush's proposal to help out programs like PeachCare is terribly fair. Why should states in the red raid the surpluses of states in the black? If their economies struggled down the road, wouldn't that want that surplus to cushion them? If anything, wouldn't this be a perfect example of temporary deficit spending?

- This nice lady is more of an expert than I am, but she lays out some reasons why I've got concerns over Sen. Eric Johnson's bill to set up a voucher system for special-needs education. As an aside, I've also been working on a lengthy post detailing some of my concerns with the bill, and I hope to have it up in a bit.

- Not only is H.D. Lott more than a tad misguided on his views, he also reveals to us that he can see the future!

- And, not to be outdone, our good friend Norm Weatherby is back ... complete with the phrase 'deviant language terrorism.' Mr. Lott and Mr. Weatherby in the same day. If they had only run a letter from Phil Jackson in Bogart, it would have been a hat-trick!

- Awesome! A semantics-filled discussion of what is and what isn't a filibuster over at Peach Pundit.

- The Associated Press and other national media outlets continue their recent trend of reading Barack Obama's memoir Dreams From My Father, turning whole passages into stories and then acting like it's earth-shattering news.

- We've gone around and around on global warming here, so I thought it was worthwhile to link to some things related to our discussion including this column in The Los Angeles Times and this brief post by Matthew Yglesias.

- I briefly mention the concept of Complete Streets.


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