Saturday, July 12, 2008

Frustrating in more ways than one

Well, yeah, this sucks, but I was never too high on Keith Gross to begin with. But, seeing how it was a good pickup opportunity for Democrats in Georgia, it's a little frustrating there wasn't more substantial vetting done on this guy.

Of course, he was the target of an odd conservative netroots witch hunt, but whatever. And, of course, it's perfectly fine for candidates who don't even live in certain congressional districts to seek the seats of those districts. It's fine for some elected officials to live in Atlanta, but keep token addresses throughout the state and run for reelection in those places.

But Gross hasn't lived in his house for two years so obviously he's unfit to run and represent the district he actually resides in.

Anyway, Flack's got some good roundup of this, and it does all get to finding better candidates. Again, to be fair, I don't necessarily think the Democratic Party of Georgia can bear a ton of blame for this. For starters, if someone wants to run, that that guy/gal is gonna run ... and, in a predominantly Republican state, you often get stuck with some less than ideal candidates in the deeper red areas (like this guy).

But, and this is important to remember, you get some good ones too ... like John Tibbetts and Earl Giddens and Ralph Noble and the trio of candidates that I provide consultation to.

So, yeah, Gross being out is unfortunate, but there's a host of talented, passionate and committed candidates out there worth supporting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But Gross hasn't lived in his house for two years so obviously he's unfit to run and represent the district he actually resides in."

tell that to Keith Heard.

1:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly, there isn't any way for anyone to actually contact Keith Heard unless you are on the south-side of a north-facing microphone.

5:05 PM  

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