Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Breaking ranks

I strongly disagree with the rationale of Armando from Daily Kos with regard to Democratic Sen. Max Baucus on Montana agreeing to support the confirmation of John Roberts to the Supreme Court.

It's not that I'm a fan of Roberts - I honestly don't know whether or not to support or oppose his confirmation ... he sounds OK< but so did Clarence Thomas - but it's that Armando completely ignores the fact that senators are representative of the communities and/or states they live in. Baucus believes, rightly or wrongly, that Roberts' judicial views are in tune with the vast majority of the folks in Montana. Armando scolds him for breaking party ranks and disagreeing with Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.):

Well, I call 'em as I see them too. And I have found that Max Baucus meets my criteria for a gutless son of a bitch. Baucus demonstrates a healthy disrespect for his Leader in the Senate and for the values and principles that define the Democratic Party.

We're back to party loyalty and ideological purity. It's one thing for Armando to say that Roberts is wrong for this reason or that reason. But it's another thing entirely to be upset because he's doing what he thinks is right for his home state and not following the company line.

There are plenty of reasons to think Baucus' endorsement of Roberts is faulty. Doing so because he wants to reflect the views of Montanans is not one of them.


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