Friday, July 21, 2006

Couple of things

- Everyone keep the family of Kevin Brophy, as well as his coaches, teammates and friends, in your prayers. The Georgia basketball player was killed yesterday in a terrible car accident in Greene County. The Athens Banner-Herald has the story.

- Not that this doesn't happen often, but can we try to not disparage the rival institutions in the recruiting process? Lay out what your school can offer - academically, athletically and socially - but hold off openly berating the school which wins the kid.

- It's kind of interesting to me that an organization which was strongly denying charges of animal cruelty, is now in trouble because they, well, just flat-out left town ... leaving behind more than 100 animals in the process. I like the one guy saying the 'financial and emotional strains wore them down' ... because that's OK to completely abandon your mission and live a collection of animals - something you're supposed to really care about - to suffer in the heat.

- I meant to link to this sooner, but this is easily the best mail bag Bill Simmons has done in a while. Complete with references to K-Fed and Taylor Hicks.

- Let me give some credit to a pair of local candidates who are quietly working the Athenian blogosphere - Kelly Girtz and James Garland. We focus a lot of the pleasingly blog-friendly campaign waged by Andy Rusk and the earnest debate brought by Chuck Jones (even though I disagree with the fella, at least he's out here battling), and I think we overlook these two.

Girtz is seeking the superdistrict seat for District Nine of the Athens-Clarke County Commission, and he just launched his web site ... and it's an impressive one at that. Thanks for the heads-up.

And Garland has been an active participant on a variety of discussions, offering solid insight and an alternative, albeit more conservative, voice on plenty of issues. But he's done so with humility, grace and in the spirit of engaging in civil dialogue. So let's commend him for doing that and encourage both of them to keep on coming back.


Blogger Russell & Mariah said...

Remember when Bryan thought about adopting that dog while we were undergrads and he lived in that apartment close to Steverino's? He actually had it at his place for several days before realizing that he wouldn't be there enough for it.

That was a Canine Angels dog. Back then, Bly and I volunteered as dog walkers for that Sue lady. We would go pick up a dog or two and take them to the park. It's sad when crazy people have good intentions, but ultimately end up doing such harm. It wasn't as bad back then, but it seemed like she was already starting to overextend herself in terms of amount of dogs and care of dogs.

I hope the dogs get good homes and I hope some sort of further charges are brought against those two. Or at least some mandatory therapy or something -- animal hoarders are mentally ill and this seems as close as you can get. It doesn't seem like they ever adopted any dogs out (or hardly ever), just collected them.

4:42 PM  

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