Friday, December 29, 2006

Left out to dry?

I don't necessarily have anything against this, particularly if it means we can improve safety at those intersections. However, from what I understand, this also has the potential to punish individuals who cross through the intersection - either from Alps Road or by turning left from West Broad Street onto Hawthorne Avene - and get stuck in the intersection.

The majority of the time, these vehicles are stuck not because of their own doing, but because of unseen actions further down Hawthorne such as a stop light two or three blocks down or a bus stopping to pick up a passenger. The stop light problem is one I've noticed as of late, particularly because it seems those lights are not at all in sync with the one at the intersection. I mentioned this before, but I think you can relieve a good portion of the traffic woes in this community by simply taking a look at trying to better sync our traffic lights.


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