Monday, March 26, 2007

Common sense should dictate

Ah democracy and the free debate of ideas at work ...

The Senate's Republican leadership said they did not want to force a long debate on bills that likely would not pass.

"If a bill is going to take an hour or two to debate, that's a negative," Senate Rules Chairman Don Balfour (R-Snellville) said. "Obviously, we have controversial bills on the calendar, but why put something on if we know it could not pass?"

Isn't this argument enough to lengthen the amount of time the Georgia General Assembly meets? The fact that our elected representatives apparently don't have enough adequate time to debate and discuss important issues? Namely an hour?

So things like Sunday Sales, funding for faith-based organizations and many of Gov. Sonny Perdue's campaign pledges won't even be brought to the floor because there simply isn't time to talk about them. I'm sorry, but something just doesn't seem right about that.


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