Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Couple of things

- You feel kinda embarassed for 'em, but the folks at Peach Pundit are gushing over Fred Thompson like a middle-school girl with a crush on the quarterback of the football team. Since July 6, they've stuck up 10 posts - 10 - that focus on Thompson. Other folks are noticing it too as Chris pointed this out and Flack has started poking fun too. I mean guys, come on, you could at least play a little hard to get.

- It's kind of a weird editorial on the Greene County charter school as it acknowledges that Brian Burdette's presence on the charter school committee will more than likely assist the manipulation of the charter school petition, says that isn't really a big deal but finishes by calling for Burdette's recusal. So I kinda disagree with the meandering path it took, but I ultimately agree with the end.

- It's crazy meets crazy at 10th Congressional District runoff debate.

- Very good to see this. Any sort of assistance this community can provide to small businesses, be it from the Economic Development Foundation or the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce, is welcome.

- Again, I'm not really up-to-speed on much of the Genarlow Wilson stuff, but Grift is asking good questions ... namely how did so many non judicial/law enforcement types get to watch a video that is, quite frankly, illegal to watch in this state?

- In his most recent blog entry, Blake notes that Denise Freeman is upset with the Democratic party bosses for backing James Marlow. While this is patently false - the state party sat out of the whole thing and the individual county parties where free to endorse whatever candidate they liked the best - Freeman should be more upset that her snagging a few hundred votes here and there ultimately kept a Democrat out of the runoff.

- I'll disagree and say I've heard louder things at Sanford Stadium (the 1991 Clemson game and 2000 Tennessee game were mighty noisy), but this was pretty darn cool.


Blogger Mike-El said...

We've had season tickets since 1992 and I've never heard the Stadium louder than Wansley's interception to seal the deal against Tennessee in 2000. Pan-de-freaking-monium. When it finally settled down, I found that I was like six seats down from my ticketed seat. And I have no recollection of moving. I remember looking around and seeing that the entire crowd was just shifting from side to side and undulating like a giant body of water. Nothing comes close for me.

8:58 AM  
Blogger Sara said...

Strangely, it's not illegal to watch child porn in Georgia...only illegal to knowingly possess or distribute. There was a strange case about it a couple years ago.

8:59 AM  
Blogger QuentinCompson said...

The 2000 Tennessee game was, in fact, CRAZY mike-el. I couldn't sit down because people were trying to stand between the rows because there was no longer any room in the aisles to stand.

It was pretty loud for one of those recent Clemson games, too. That one sticks out for me.

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

namely how did so many non judicial/law enforcement types get to watch a video that is, quite frankly, illegal to watch in this state?

God knows I hate to blow up one of the great conspiracy theories, especially one that implicates the forces of darkness in the Republican establishment.

The somewhat mundane plebeian truth is that the tape, being evidence in Mr. Wilson's trial, is a matter of public record, and anyone with the a little initiative can either view it or get a copy.

The case has already been appealed to the Georgia Supreme Court once, and a copy of the tape rests in the records of that august institution, where it is available for review or copying.

So truly, the fact that copies of the tape are floating around indicates more about the knowledge of the recipients of the judicial process than any sinister grand plan.

I must make an aside that some of those who are most diligent about insisting that public processes be transparent, don't fully realize exactly how transparent they are.

Those of us of a certain age can remember sitting in the Clarke County Courthouse watching both Deep Throat and Behind the Green Door when a local movie house was prosecuted for showing these "obscene" movies. We were (and are ) eternally grateful for the diligence of the Clarke County authorities, as we wouldn't have been caught dead in the XXX theater that was showing these movies.

12:19 PM  
Blogger Jmac said...

The Tennessee game in 2000 was insane, and I remember thinking - particularly after how lackluster the 1990s had been and, more specifically, my four years in college from 1996-2000 - that this was how a college football atmosphere should be.

The 2004 LSU game was close to that, as well as the end of last year's Georgia Tech game.

Thanks for the clarification Sara. That still suggests something ain't right about this whole thing.

12:19 PM  
Blogger Polusplanchnos said...

The Meese report on pornography that was put out in the '80s contains a ton of porn. I think this kind of phenomenon—obscene supplementation of a public castigation—is inherent to the morality that obsesses over the corruptible. In other words, it's a morality that strains at a gnat or reaches for the speck in other's eyes, blind to what it allows in the name of disciplining and correcting others. It's a morality of guilt, and the basis for all thorough hypocritical behavior.

Sex, for some reason, really brings that out in people. The runner-up being drug abuse (alcoholics throwing down on "crack heads," for example).

In other news, what were the 24 visits Whitehead made to Athens?

4:42 PM  
Blogger Mike-El said...

7 UGA home football games.

1 G-Day game.

5 therapy sessions at Happy Spa.

11 late-night Varsity runs.

5:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you about freeman. I think she cost Marlow the run-off, but ultimately, i dont think Marlow was the best candidate in the world.

I wont be voting in the run-off. I wont take part in putting either of those two crackpots into office.

7:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thompson slithered into GA with snake Hannity today.


You can always tell someone by the company they keep.

7:46 PM  
Blogger The Shepards said...

I was going to mention the 2004 LSU game. It felt like Tiger Stadium had moved east.

10:54 PM  
Blogger Holla said...

I couldn't agree more about Thompson's vacuity. And it really is embarrassing the way Repubs are falling all over themselves at the mere thought...

I did like his character on L&O, though, and I thought the writers put one of the best anti Roe v. Wade explanations I've ever heard into his mouth in one of his earlier episodes. But it was still just a tv show, people.

10:03 AM  

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